Friday, 1 May 2015


It is said ’anger and hunger’ always bring out the truth and best in you and yes, I am angry and I am hungry. And it is these super-active emotions in me that are speaking out today!

Anger- for the things that I see day-in and day-out for being born as a girl in a society like that of ours, for the helplessness that the so called ‘preachings‘ of our society have studded me with, and for the like sufferings that I witness in like-beings, everyday.

Hunger- of that day- to breathe freedom in actual, to feel respected, equally considered, and liberate even the last woman of this land from the clutches of male-dominance.

Well, I am not harassed as per harassment laws, nor am I exploited, which I am sure, you might be feeling by now, for the words I used so far. But yes, am hurt, am upset and am disturbed. Tons of thanks to my mind for being disturbed, and for having the hope of feeding my hunger and kicking my anger away.

Be it to see a woman working selflessly and yet be shouted upon, to cool down his frustrations at the end of the day, by her spouse; or to see a friend of mine beaten to blood by her boyfriend; or to hear easy comments and slangs on the character of a girl for the alike deeds, which gift guys with absolutely ‘nothing’ on character. 

Well, before you start branding me as a feminist or female chauvinist etc etc which is quite expected of you, let me clarify myself. I respect the laws of nature. By equality, I do not mean treating unlike alike. I do understand womanhood and the chastity, strength, and softness that it carries along, but what I mean by equality, freedom, and liberty here is ‘appreciation’, ‘respect’, and ‘gratitude’ that a woman deserves, for all the selfless works that she ‘mostly’ puts up. Unfortunately, even that is to be begged for, by most of the women, even till today.

Rape, sexual harassment, female foeticide, dowry death, physical exploitation, domestic violence, and what not, are in one or the other way, a reflection of male dominance, in terms of physical strength, and societal status that they perceive.  

This change in societal pattern cannot be witnessed by enacting stronger laws, or by declaring reservations for women, or by ever-growing women rights’ organizations. But instead, I feel proper moral education and sound values, especially to the males, and an air of awareness, make a society more alert and lend a hand to awaken the illusionists of this land. Education gets into head only when bellies are full, and thus poverty is the root and the major concern to be hit at, at the soonest, is what I strongly believe in. 

They say, the biggest enemy of a woman is another woman!! Strangely and unfortunately it makes absolute sense. So let’s start with appreciating, respecting and gratifying each other first, and then open a hand to receive the toughest in our land!!

In the end, I quote-
“यत्र  नार्यस्तु  पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते  तत्र  देवताः”

“Where women are honored, blossoms there Divinity”.

Thursday, 30 April 2015


As a little baby girl, was I crowned a queen, by dad;
As a growing toddler, was I pampered and loved, by mom;
As a younger sister, was I given whatever demanded, by sister;
As a soft heart, was I listened to always, by my buddies;
As a demanding girlfriend, were fulfilled my wishes, by boyfriend;
As a hard worker, were my little achievements applauded, by people around;
As a sinner at times, was I left by one to be loved, by another;
As a fortunate child, was I had all that, I asked for;

Now that am a grown up, am I utterly failing, to bend when wrong :(

It is nothing, but to bow down, am I not taught.

Thought the world would always love me the way I am;
Never thought would I sense this urge in people around, for me to send away that me which I was;

Obsessively in love am I today with the way I am me;
Oh my dear God!Why am I not being loved the way I am:(

Why not, but am I amazed, hurt and confused, to sense, feel and understand the grown up and the so called 'matured' world;

Tired am I today to fight anymore to be me;
Afraid am I today to lose the very little lovely people with me;
Statue-d am I today by an inner me to change for a different me;

Conflicted am I today by my thoughts to give up the real me;
Angry am I today on the world, that is demanding a change in me;
Convinced am I today for the need to bow down the stubborn me;

Wish or not, I am giving up today with a hope of finding a better me😊

"Bow Not For The Barks Of Fear!"

Oh! My dear you in the mirror,

Bow not for the barks of fear;

In the path of life come 'some' near,

And many to only bring loads of tear;

Cry strong for that, is hard to bear,

And give not, for such, ever again an ear;

Fly high and high, for that is the real cheer,

Nothing, but is a little smile, that you got to always wear;

'Two', or 'Four' feet together, to the end, matters mere,

Smell of relish, is the only to keep you forever pure;

So my dear you in the mirror,

Bow not for the barks of fear.

Sunday, 15 March 2015



Lub-dub, Lub-dub, @ 125/min in the heart, sudden emptiness in belly, freezing cold limbs, wet body of sweat, an absolute unasked, sometimes unbelieved and strongest ever urge for help from ‘that’ beyond human force- and, it is in these few fractions of a second, do we realize one of the mesmerizing truths of life -  “FEAR”, and yes, I say, ‘Fear Unites Us All”.
The undisputed truth of every cell filled with life is the ‘fear of losing it’, expression of which, although, differs. ‘Fear of losing’ is very beautifully clubbed with the ‘zeal of sustaining’, and this in itself is a beauty of the Creation to watch. Tracking the path of fear, do we find the source lying in nothing but ‘Love’! Amazing but true. ‘Love’ – supposed to be an extreme fearless ‘submission of self’ is in fact the producer of fear too. In particular, ‘Self–Love’, ‘Self-Perplexity’ are the words. Every human inherits an extreme ‘Love’ for self and the mission of life rests in its protection.

 Purana states:
"सुखमेव मे स्यात् दुःखं मनागपि माभूत "I
The ultimate wish of every living being lies in the fulfilment of one’s all desires, in the enjoyment of eternal ‘bliss’, and an absolute abhorrence for ‘Pain’.

This summarizes human life. ‘Bliss’ is indeed that tempting, while Pain is proportionally that burdensome. It is in the definition of ‘Bliss’ that humans as a class have evolved high in the line of Rationality, for paving new paths to Bliss apart from that in basic instincts. Very aptly and truly said it is – Human Desires never see an end. It is always a growing graph.

Bliss starts with want for Love, Care, Knowledge, Money, and then to that of Power, Status, and Character, which in a sense are worth applauds for growth. But what lies amidst all these is the fear of not having what was wished and strived for, many a time giving birth to the slow killers of Greed, Jealousy, and Pride, which ultimately poison the aboder. A straight cut implication of this would be in – “fear as a powerful emotion”. It is the driver of deeds. It, always, in one or the other way, drives every walk of human life. And it is exactly here where morals, cultures, and knowledge shape fear in a being. It is obvious to have ‘fear of losses’ but where the same is to be cut, is to be taken care of. Fear for ‘self’ is natural but fear for extreme ‘self love’ is insanity!
Vedas beautifully answer the question of- is God the doer of everything? As –“ if that is to be the case then why does every single being observe the feelings of fear, shame, and quest in the self-consciousness, if the action is sinful; while feelings of an absolute fearlessness, courage, and satisfaction in the mind from within, in virtuous acts. But, yes, it is true that these feelings are promoted not by human soul, but by Divine Spirit. And so, God is only a Warner and not doer of everything”. Sense of fear pricks every single being while erring which unites ‘Humanity’ as a whole, ‘Life’ as a whole.

But unfortunately, in today’s context of society, subjects are murdering the fear within to be justified to act wildly and crazily.
Penance for fearlessness is to be achieved ‘to grow and let grow’, ‘to live happily and let live happily’, and not to grow raw and blunt from within. ‘Fear’ is not just a word, or just another emotion. It is one of the inherent truths of life that unites us all. Fear makes us the receiver of love from others. Each one of us is scared. Sometimes for loss of/ harm to self, sometimes for loss of/harm to our dear ones and sometimes to witness failures and disappointments. Denial of this truth will only be a myth. And, therefore, it is to be accepted and graced with full heart and soul. Fear has an amazing facet. In times of adversity, it unites the likes, and in perplexity it disunites.

Here goes a story-
                        A baby lion was lost in a flock of sheep. Lost yet protected. The mother, in search of the baby lion, witnessed its kin – the baby lion, amidst the flock running as fast as he can, in fear of life, when approached by the big mother lion, not realizing himself to be nothing else, but a lion too. This sight of the little baby running hard to save himself amazed the mother lion and spared the flock of sheep their lives. The mother lion, then, lead the baby to a clean and transparent lake to make the baby see his reflection and the reflection of the big lion too, and having seen both the reflections, the baby lion roared like a real lion and all his fears vanished!

This little story brings home two beautiful aspects of life – One, where there is life, there is fear for it, and Two – ‘Self- realization’ vanishes fear, and ‘Self-realization’ comes out by good virtues in life.

Thus, “WE ARE NOT ALONE”. We are not alone to ‘feel’ the feel of fear, nor are we alone ‘in’ this fear. But it is certainly upon us to shape the fear within, towards the achievement of the ultimate goal of every single life –  “Happiness”, and “Bliss”. Let us also not forget that, not only is the ‘end’ meant to be virtuous, but are the ‘means’ as well, and therefore, let’s say again- “WE ARE NOT ALONE” to be scared nor are we alone ‘in’ the fear of life, but let this fear be alive in each one of us to do good and good only.