Wednesday 3 February 2016

U left us..Words left me..

For a writer fond of writing,
Say words - ' we won't express what you are going through'.
He cries, he shouts, he begs.
And they laugh!
He feels blank.
His page and pen become scary.
His heart sinks.
How can I keep all this in? cries he in pain.
But hell-bent words smile and say-
' You suffer! We won't do what you want us to do'.
He challenges them. He dares them.
Moves away from all..
Sits in dark to face and bow down to them -
' Please flow and make me feel light'.
They say - 'Go on and give it a try'.
Comes the pen back in hand with a thought of relief -
"Shocked, terrified, ripped apart, broken, shattered, deeply cut into pieces, suffocating, thirsty for a drop of water since ages, body bleeding with pain"..
Well, throws far away, he, the pen.
And words laugh at him, again.
They know. They know they are powerless in this. They know too, they fail to express this grief in him.
But how do they make this poor man understand this!
They are unarmed. They are handless to slap and awaken him.
But then, he fights. He is deeply annoyed. He is desperate.
And then they say -
' Oh my dear fool! This pain in you can only be felt by you. God has made some limits for us too..we fail beyond that line. So my dear you, stop fighting with us and accept this.'
Drops the pen with eyes numb and says he -
'I shall feel it and feel it alone'.
Then say the words to him -
'We are with you to do all that we can'.
Come on paper these -
Tickles a smile on his face realizing how these simple words spoke it all..


Sometimes it's nice to re-visit your dreams,
That got crushed and buried deep;
Prick your belly wickedly these scenes,
Ruin the day and its sleep;

Yet the evil mind is no less to show its real genes,
In enjoying for moments those fantasies that once laid in heap;

Ah! You dreams of teens..
That I failed to reap;
Stop flashing your brassy beams,
For me to end the endless weep😄😊